The first game, first serve Schmid Lo Va appeared 2 double faults, Zheng Jie seize the opportunity to break easily, then smooth to keep his serve to 2-0 after opening. But unforced errors increasedfollowed by Zheng Jie, Schmid Lo Va also gradually find offensive touch, the results of the first beltbroken soon even the next three to reverse the 3-2 leader. The sixth inning, Zheng Jie is also in thebreak points of the reverse security, so as to avoid to open the score. Then a bureau, two people in the incentive for Schmid Lo Va Serving Bureau, Slovakia has finally completed in the danger ofsecurity. Li Na is suppressed, the bottom line! Li Na Li Na 30-30 Safarova 0-0 Safarova Li Na and Covey Tova relationship between the two has been very good, usually there are alwaysplaying together. Li Na in the tennis world who choose to be sisters, eventually chose Covey Tova,the close relationship between the visible two people. Covey Tova responded by saying, "I feel very lucky, Li Na to mention me by name, I miss her very much, she is my friend and foe. Every time herface full of smile, we share so many moments, WTA also played a lot of games, I also enjoy. The Chinese people can be proud of her, if she asked me to be her sister, I am willing to." "Although I sent a lot of double faults, but I think the service or promotion. If you want to make a change, not one or two days to complete, and you need time to organize it, in fact I am in training performance is getting better and better, but the game may be a little nervous, so mistakes have increased." For the double fault of questions from reporters, Li Na said. Review of Li Na the storm, you very difficult to pick out what she cannot forgive the fault, she justhard, stubborn, not hide their edges, if you do not touch the way, it is easy to scratch his hands.People will grow up, and now Li Na is still outspoken personality, a little more humor, real Tim aThanksgiving, she thanked the fans, love the motherland, to the satisfaction of all. Boots finally fall to the ground! Two Grand Slam champion, China number one "sister" Li Na 19,through personal micro-blog made a long retirement farewell letter, the letter said, due to a knee injury is difficult to recover, she will officially retire. Navratilova: "you need to be able to make high quality, high volley ball, two also needs to be very good, avoid your partner was attacked in the net."