Angry Birds fans note that your bet on choice always be closer than your cell phone. The company that brought you Angry Birds on the cell and also the PS3 has let the pig outside of the bag. It can be coming to Facebook. In the new interview with Wired UK on the April edition, the first indication until this global game has a whole new platform has everyone squealing for happiness. Especially the pigs.
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Even though it is hurting the Mets, I'm very happy see Jeff Weaver turn things around. OK, I admit it, the only reason I'm pulling for him is mainly because I need to see him be an effective member of my fantasy team next season; still, he took an involving grief this present year and to see him get redemption for the national stage has been a nice storyline. Angels pitching coach Bud Black has an exceptional reputation, but he must take quantity the blame for Weaver's performance this year. Also, this is another feather in the cap for Cardinals pitching coach Dave Duncan, who has a well-earned reputation for reclamation projects among starting pitchers.
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