After ten games, wangjingzhi again won the ten gold medal of the games. Comparison of two time,Wang Jing said the mood is totally different. "The last time I was a rookie, did not win a green handbaggage, give me a lot of surprises. But this time they advance to a lot, after winning the most want is a good preparation for the next Olympic Games, 2004 Olympic Games I didn't get into the starting lineup in 2008 entered the main, but they did not hold, the 2012 London Olympics and I believe that I can get a good result."
After the game, Qin Kai believes in outdoor competition this natural condition plays a negative impact, "this action failure is because holding slip. 109C is a high speed movement and in the ability of churning, churning air third week hold leg movements appear to have smooth, four whole group body movements are loosened, thus not well behind the movement. Outside a little wind, it felt like it.In recent times this action game, the success rate is still very high. Such things will make me feel bad happened on the field, but for me it is a very good experience. Accidents happened in the game, do not want to put too much in the mind, continue to work hard."
In November 5th, the "Yundo Jos Cup" the 2011 national Chinese eight ball tournaments (Beijing Railway Station) men's qualifying Wuhan division into the 64 into the 32 race, in a heavyweight fight,the wonder boy Wang Yun against billiards champion Lv Xin, the two sides after 2 hours of fierce battle, Wang Yun is always in a passive position, finally by 4-9 not enemy Lv Xin, missed the top 32qualifying.
Won the gold medal after the wangjingzhi not completely Kendo domineering, people can only continue to show from the smile on his face to determine whether he is the champion.
Since last year, the WenZhou Railway Station set up women's race, in addition to the Beijing Railway Station because working away, I almost stand in, "has a special liking for the Chinese eight ball.Zhang Yuyang said.
During the event, with the crowd watching the applause and cheers, a dark skinned foreignersthrough translation and activities to contact the organizers, the international friends living in Wuhan,the Chinese eight ball lovers. Today have the opportunity to see the Chinese eight ball top team, the Yankees again also tempted excitement, with the hope that the "eight kings" Mr. Wang YanBudweiser a. Wang Yan accepted the kick-off, and gift to each other, at the Arabia golf tee Duffskilled movements, the audience also astonished to cheer. But the battle after all strength disparity,Wang Yan Duff has not released the opportunity to become the dominant situation instead of leaving Wang Yan with a few flaws, with crisp sound, eight ball Chinese dream team's debut in Jiangcheng ina Chinese eight ball international friendlies ended.
Over the past several years, Zhou Jihong has been in the Beijing Olympic Games, to in the teeth of the storm: Finland poked out "door prize"; the Shandong games, "decided door" also set off a great disturbance of public opinion.
The "dream team" by the famous player Wang Peng, Wang Yan and Ma Zhiyu. Yesterday, three of them held in Beijing debut in the Chinese Eight Ball Tournament ranking. The graph is the match wonderful instant.