, or a buildup of gas in the stomach and intestines, can be caused by stress, smoking, eating high fat foods in excess, or an intolerance to lactose. More serious conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease can also cause chronic bloating. Supporters believe acupuncture can help relieve the pain and discomfort of bloating. is considered a complementary therapy and should not replace medical treatment for serious problems. Seek medical attention for severe bloating and consult your physician before beginning any alternative treatment. can be caused by swallowing air when eating or drinking, or by the digestive process. Normally this type of bloating is temporary, as Oakley Sunglasses Outlet it either dissipates or leaves the body through flatulence or belching. When gas builds up in the stomach and intestines, or when the bloating is associated with a more serious condition, it can cause abdominal pain that can be either mild or serious. is part of traditional Chinese medicine, which teaches that the body has meridians, or channels of energy, that can be stimulated using extremely fine needles. In traditional Chinese medicine, disease is seen as an imbalance of qi, or vital energy, in the body. It is believed the placement of needles at different points Oakley Vault Sunglasses in the body helps unblock and stimulate Oakley Sunglasses Cheap the flow of energy. Supporters of acupuncture believe this unblocking of stuck or stagnant energy can treat the symptoms of illness and promote health and wellness.
Supporters believe acupuncture can relieve bloating associated with both IBS and other digestive issues. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, acupuncture helps improve the general well being of those with IBS, in addition to reducing bloating. Acupuncturists base their treatment on each individual needs, which could include either an excess or deficiency of qi. Deficiencies of qi in the Oakley Sunglasses Wholesale spleen and lung meridians, or energy channels in the body, are typically associated with abdominal bloating.
Origin and Regulation of
originated in China and has been used for thousands of years, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Needles used in acupuncture are regulated by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration, and in most states an acupuncturist must be licensed in order to practice. While scientific research has been conducted on the effectiveness of acupuncture, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine writes that the results are difficult to interpret. Always consult your physician before beginning any complementary or alternative treatment.