In the first division of the brothers war, brother Zheng Tianyao did not leave the hand, 9-6 will take tobrother Li Jingkun. At the same time the master Shi Xin to a 9-3 win over Wang Hao, this second round of mentoring two to another civil war. The day of the press conference a VIP gathered from all walks of life. Welcome Beijing City billiards association secretary general Zhang Gangtie. Joe's Billiards sports promotion Co. Ltd. chairmanQiao Yuanxu delivered an important speech, speech reiterated the firm belief of Joe's willing to work with people from all walks of life together to revitalize the Chinese eight ball movement of a person with breadth of vision, to promote Chinese own Billiard Sports to the world and lofty aspirations, the presence of the media and the players were all Qiao Lao's speech by. As vice chairman of Beijingbilliards association Pang Yueming announced the beginning of the race, the race officially kicked off. The fourth Bureau of Jiangke law in Zhao Bo, after chasing the score into 15 levels, Jiangke lawbegan to lead, but Zhao Bo solid defense will lead into 19, and again beyond the score to 20-19.Fifth sin against Cui Kun, 21, still scored four points, Jiangsu 25-21 with lead. The sixth game of Chen Taotao VS Liu Xiao, although Liu Xiaoyi up to a point, but the Jiangsu team leader Chen Taotao has got more foot, he even get three points, the score was 28-22. Although the referee oncecommuted so that the situation of Liu Xiao more unfavorable, but this anti to aroused his fighting spirit, after he scored again and again chasing the score into 28 levels, and lead to 30-29. The contest for the five round, each round to take five innings three, finally decided according to the total score. The first group of South of the Zhou Jun branch library VS Si, shortly after the start of the 2:2 score remained in the library, became black 8 counter attack failed, Zhou Jun seize the opportunity at the end of 8, the black bag, 3:2 first bureau. The second groups from the branchHuang Han South Industry University Hangzhou VS Peng, began to keep the score in 2:1, dry yellowlead, the last game to attack the six yellow dry even into the bag, sixth pieces of a double wash,Hangzhou Peng seize the opportunity but a mistake, finally yellow 3:1 against drought. Third groups of doubles, Zhou Jun and Wang Chieh VS hit the South Branch of Kutus and Zheng Chang, the start of the game two players are tacit, careful discussion method of attack, the final score in the 2:2flat, the last half of China seize the opportunity to do the snooker mistakes, seize the opportunity toattack the South University of technology, the ball positioning bag, black 8 the end of the game ball,3:2. The fourth group is one of the key board, who will win the final, China's Chen Runbo VS fromWest South University of technology, second pole failure midfielder Chen Runbo grab free kickopportunity to score 1:1, fourth Chen Runbo and a rotating ball, Zhang Xi free seize the opportunityto counterattack, the score to 2:2 Ping, the last game back, Chen Runbo snooker errors, Zhang Xibreakthrough, 8 black at the bottom of the bag in the end, the victory. In the Beijing Olympic Games team and individual Sabre gold rush tournament after losing thebeauty, swordsman Tan Xue and the state of psychology have been greatly affected, before the start of the games, in order to better adjust the state, Tan Xue quietly quit the national team. For Tan Xue,the Olympic gold medal twice and experience is certainly regret just miss the person or opportunity.Not long ago in the world cup competition in fencing at TianJin Railway Station, Tan Xue is still notout of the shadows, again defeated in the Olympic rival sword. When the coach of the national teamwill evaluate Bao Aier said: "as a coach I can only solve the technical problems of her, she can not solve psychological problems." 2012 Haikou world snooker tournament is scheduled for February 27th to March 4th held in Haikou stadium, "eight ball Chinese ambassador Hendry" will once again come to Chinese, participate in the world's top events. The sign on the table, Hendry chance in this tournament for checkpoints is very large, complete the role conversion of good news to come one after another, the emperor hasushered in a second spring pool momentum.