In December 10th, NCBA Joe's Cup National University billiards League finals continue in Wuhan, 4 pm the same day, the Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Shanghai Univer men'steam started the battle for third place.
The real UFC master strength may not terrible, terrible is the real strength of the us to mastercompletely strange and self imagination. After Zhang Tiequan American war in defeat, Yang Jianping also suffered a huge frustration now perhaps we should reflect on reflection, behind the commercial game, how much is the real master, how many master play a real strength.
The fourth Bureau of Jiangke law in Zhao Bo, after chasing the score into 15 levels, Jiangke lawbegan to lead, but Zhao Bo solid defense will lead into 19, and again beyond the score to 20-19.Fifth sin against Cui Kun, 21, still scored four points, Jiangsu 25-21 with lead. The sixth game of Chen Taotao VS Liu Xiao, although Liu Xiaoyi up to a point, but the Jiangsu team leader Chen Taotao has got more foot, he even get three points, the score was 28-22. Although the referee oncecommuted so that the situation of Liu Xiao more unfavorable, but this anti to aroused his fighting spirit, after he scored again and again chasing the score into 28 levels, and lead to 30-29.
However, for their own reasons to stay, Bauer replied: "no, I don't know."
The evening of November 5th, for the smoke of 2011 "Yundo Jos" Cup National Chinese Eight BallTournament ranked men's qualifying Wuhan division 16 strong had cleared, throughout the past few days of the referee has become a unique landscape on the field.
At this point, the national fencing competitions all over, 12 gold medals belonging specifically: Jiangsu five, Tianjin two, Anhui, Liaoning, Guangdong, Shanghai and the people's Liberation Armywon a gold.
The fifth, 2 ball attack Shangzhi Ming failed, Wang Peng homeopathy, play safe, once again stageda rod connected to a 5-0 series lead.