According to the "Lei Feng" produced one of Shanghai film group responsible person, the drama in the brewing process coincides with the remake of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Huang Yazhou was head writer with "Lei Feng Chronicle" and other reference books, in the earthquake relief workhas experienced a sleepless night, "Lei Feng" is also dedicated to each script a hero of theWenchuan earthquake. 3) players missed the game because of personal reasons, do not get points (end points), but retained before integration. In December 7, 2011, a team from the Zhejiang Yuyin College of Vocational Technology carries thedream from Zhejiang of Zhoushan, to participate in the NCBA- cup Wuhan, Joe's first National University Chinese eight ball billiards League finals, they six, a teacher, five players. "My performance beyond the imagination, after all, just come back soon. The last time I participated in the contest in April last year, "Meacham said. Fourth, the history of the 4 ball into the victor, and then choose the situation better spent ball attack,started after a series of scoring 6 ball, but at the end of the 11 ball handling errors, attack. Then the two sides of a round of the contest, Shi Weida once again get a mobile phone, No. 11 and No. 8score, the score 3-1 lead. The next game, Qiu Bo did not give them any chance to catch up, and in the fourth and fifth hopsrespectively got over 108 percent and 104.45, after the six round with a score of 574.80 won the gold medal. This is Qiu Bo's first career world cup champion, also Chinese diving team after a lapse of six years after winning the gold medal. Last night, the reporter contacted Tan Xueshi when it was twenty-two thirty, Tan Xue is staying at thehotel in Tianjin ready to rest. When asked about the second day of the time, Tan Xue said is more than 2 points, while leaving their sleep time is less than 4 hours, but the novelty and excitement but let the female swordsman without sleep.