This year, Zhong man replaced the "Oriental deer god," Wang Junxia became the Ainley Neue Trey Eli health run lead star, fancy is still full of youth, sponsor health, vitality of the image, while still at the scene also indeed popular, for his signature, photo it around the water leakage barrier, that still have repeatedly lamented, "Wuhan people really it is too warm!"
When it is necessary to re set the ball or clean the ball, the referee should try their best to the ball back into their proper places (the corresponding spot). If the obstacle ball makes this action cannot be executed, the ball should be reset without prejudice to other ball is placed in between the ball and the bottom base longitudinal line, and as close as possible to buy ball point. The ball should be as close as possible to reset or hinder the contact ball, but if the ball is hindering the cue ball, can notcontact with the ball as close as possible.
Reporter: the first round you wrestle with each other in the second half of the race you go halves on a fifty-fifty basis, but gradually restrained by his leg broke the situation at the time, how?