The seventeenth game, Wang Peng again won the upper hand, after cleaning into 5 all ball, errors in the processing side library No. 2 ball, the offensive cease abruptly. Then Wang Yan came to power,play safe, will take off our ball, chasing the score into a 7-10. The fifth game, Wang Yan started after the long 12 ball success into the fight, but bad luck to their cause disorder.
As a leader in the development of Chinese culture and the eight ball witness, Mr. Qiao Yuanxu in thepromotion process of the Chinese eight ball, is the focus of its cultural level: "we used to think thatChinese eight ball is grassroots, think Chinese eight ball not in good taste. Think it is very low, which hampers the development of the Chinese eight ball.
Seventh, Pan Yong 5, from No. 1 failed, the opportunity to leave for Jiang Tao, but Jiang Tao did not appreciate, No. 13 ball, the ball hit No. 9 errors, then Pan Yong will grow 5, into the fight, and eventually the two balls remaining shot into the bag, the score 4-3 lead to get the match point. The eighth game, Jiang Tao grabbed defensive error, we get on the mobile phone, the final completion of the Bureau's victory, both sides get double points. In the game, the score of each session is more and more close, seldom completely one-sided.