In the first division of the brothers war, brother Zheng Tianyao did not leave the hand, 9-6 will take tobrother Li Jingkun. At the same time the master Shi Xin to a 9-3 win over Wang Hao, this second round of mentoring two to another civil war. The day of the press conference a VIP gathered from all walks of life. Welcome Beijing City billiards association secretary general Zhang Gangtie. Joe's Billiards sports promotion Co. Ltd.
Since the 2010 fina diving part adjustment coefficient of difficulty, the difficulty of man has become atrend, with the coefficient of difficulty - China team now account for less than cheap, still on the overall difficulty coefficient behind other countries.
Xiao Aihua said: "my priority is the experience, but the disadvantages are also prominent, that is how to recover. Opponents know my weakness, they want to seize this point to beat me." Ten games after retirement, Xiao Aihua went to the provincial youth sports management center work. Since last May comeback, how to help Xiao Aihua recover Jiangsu fencing team became the most important thing,the provincial fencing team coach president said: "we are according to the physical condition of Xiao Aihua and her work for her training plan, training with other players has great difference."